Staff & Leadership


Pastor Joe Sweet

Senior Pastor

Mark Lorick

Youth & Pastoral Care

Marisa Lorick

Children’s Pastor

Staff & Volunteers

Joe Sweet was born again in 1977 after receiving a profound prophetic dream of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus and a visitation of the Holy Spirit in which he was called to preach the gospel. He has been preaching since 1978. In 1991 Joe and Melinda, his wife of 36 years, planted Shekinah Worship Center in Lancaster, California. It has since become an oasis of the Presence of the Lord for all who are hungry. Melinda graduated from Bible School in 1981 and has been involved in multiple facets of the ministry from the beginning, including worship and teaching. Joe has been called by God to equip and “make ready a people prepared for the Lord”. Joe and Melinda have five adult children: Elijah, Jana, John Michael, Joshua, and Jessica.

Mark and Marisa have been a part of Shekinah Worship Center for over 25 years. They both have a desire to see this generation of children and youth turn with their whole heart to Jesus. They are committed to young people experiencing the Lords supernatural power work mightily in their lives! Mark and Marisa have four children, Domonique, Brittany, Josh and Michelle.

Tina Crispin

Office Administrator

Daniel Watson


Amy Gregory

Office/Dining Manager

Marie Jackson

Fellowship Hall

Staff & Volunteers

Have Questions?

Our office is open Monday - Wednesday from 10AM - 4PM. You can contact us here.