Chinese Translation
Chinese Media
Each week Shekinah Worship Center broadcasts both our regular live stream and a live Chinese translation. If you know anyone who speaks Mandarin, please let them know about this weekly broadcast.
This service has been made possible by Brother Joseph Shu, who also hosts a bi-weekly video broadcast called “The Gospel of the Kingdom”.
Gospel of the Kingdom
Find out more about the Gospel of the Kingdom Seminar and other recordings by Brother Joseph Shu.
Shekinah Chinese Broadcast Archives
Watch all of our previously translated broadcasts here.
Audio Sermons in Cantonese
Scroll through our past sermons that have been translated into the Cantonese language. Download MP3 files, listen on the phone or in the car. We hope you are blessed as you listen to and apply the Word of God.
Foundational Doctrines of Christ
基 礎 1 - 你是一個新造的人
基 礎 2 — 洗 禮
基 礎 3 — 我們信仰的目標
基 礎 4 – 懊悔死行
基 礎 5a- 信靠神
基 礎 5b – 行出信心
基 礎 5c – 說出信心
基 礎 5d – 感恩增長信心
基 礎 6a – 聖靈洗禮
基 礎 6b – 用水藉著道洗淨
基礎 7a – 按手之禮
基礎 7b – 按手之禮 – 指定執事和按立長老
基礎 8a – 死人復活
基礎 8b – 死人復活和教會被提
基礎 9a─ 永遠的審判
基礎 9b ─ 今世的審判與永遠的審判
基礎 9C—被贖者的永恆喜樂
基礎 10b─ 什麼是成全的基督徒?