Handouts / Downloads

List of Online Books / Handouts / Downloads

Books by Joe Sweet - English

Advancing the Kingdom Through a Sanctified Tongue

Our words have the power to shape both our lives and others. The closer we grow to God, the more necessary it is that our words be completely harmless. To do this we need to find out, through the Word, how we should speak. This book will give you practical advice on purifying your speech and aligning with God’s will through meditation on His Word.

Foundational Doctrines of Christ

Dive deep into the foundational doctrines of Christ as outlined in Hebrews 6:1-3, guiding believers towards full maturity. This comprehensive study, tailored for newer believers, explores essential biblical topics such as repentance, faith, baptisms, and more, ensuring a solid bedrock for spiritual growth.

Our Prayer Assignment booklet

What is our prayer assignment? In the same way that Hannah moved away from praying for her own will to praying for God’s pleasure, the Lord is asking us to pray to Him for what He desires from the church. This 15 page booklet will give you an understanding of the prayer God is asking of each of us.

Apostolic and Scriptural Prayers

The apostles could have asked Jesus anything, but they asked Him, “Master teach us to pray.” Jesus is the example of prayer, and the Apostles demonstrated the power of prayer. Grow your prayer life by praying the Apostolic Prayers.

Books by Joe Sweet - CHINESE


深入研究希伯來書6:1-3 中概述的基督基本教義,引導信徒成長到完全成熟。 這項全面的研究專為新信徒量身定制,探討了重要的聖經主題,如悔改、信仰、洗禮等,確保為靈性成長奠定堅實的基石。


我们的祷告任务是什么? 就像哈拿从为自己的意愿祈祷转向为上帝的喜悦祈祷一样,主要求我们向他祈祷,祈求他对教会的期望。 这本 15 页的小册子将让您了解上帝向我们每个人祈求的祈祷。


使徒们本可以问耶稣任何事,但他们问他:“求主教导我们祷告。” 耶稣是祈祷的榜样,使徒们展示了祈祷的力量。 通过使徒祈祷来增加你的祈祷生活。

Books by Joe Sweet - Spanish

Oraciones Apostolicas BÍBLICAS - ESPAÑOL

Los apóstoles podrían haberle pedido cualquier cosa a Jesús, pero le pidieron: “Maestro, enséñanos a orar”. Jesús es el ejemplo de oración, y los Apóstoles demostraron el poder de la oración. Haz crecer tu vida de oración rezando las Oraciones Apostólicas.

Doctrinas Fundamentales de Cristo - ESPAÑOL

Sumérgete profundamente en las doctrinas fundamentales de Cristo tal como se detallan en Hebreos 6:1-3, guiando a los creyentes hacia una madurez completa. Este estudio integral, diseñado para los creyentes más nuevos, explora temas bíblicos esenciales como el arrepentimiento, la fe, los bautismos y más, asegurando un cimiento sólido para el crecimiento espiritual.

Books by Joe Sweet - French


Les apôtres auraient pu demander n’importe quoi à Jésus, mais ils lui ont demandé : « Maître, enseigne-nous à prier. Jésus est l’exemple de la prière, et les apôtres ont démontré la puissance de la prière. Développez votre vie de prière en priant les prières apostoliques.


Plongez profondément dans les doctrines fondamentales du Christ telles qu’elles sont détaillées dans Hébreux 6:1-3, guidant les croyants vers une maturité complète. Cette étude complète, conçue pour les nouveaux croyants, explore des sujets bibliques essentiels tels que le repentir, la foi, les baptêmes et plus encore, assurant un socle solide pour la croissance spirituelle.

Books by Joe Sweet - GERMAN

Grundlegende Lehren von Christus - DEUTSCH

Tauchen Sie tief ein in die grundlegenden Lehren Christi, wie sie in Hebräer 6:1-3 dargelegt sind, und leiten Sie Gläubige zur vollen Reife. Diese umfassende Studie, zugeschnitten auf neuere Gläubige, erforscht wesentliche biblische Themen wie Buße, Glauben, Taufen und mehr, um eine solide Grundlage für das spirituelle Wachstum zu gewährleisten.


Was ist unsere Gebetsaufgabe? So wie Hanna sich davon entfernte, für ihren eigenen Willen zu beten, um stattdessen für Gottes Wohlgefallen zu beten, bittet uns der Herr, zu ihm zu beten für das, was Er von der Kirche begehrt. Dieses 15-seitige Büchlein wird Ihnen ein Verständnis für das Gebet geben, um das Gott jeden von uns bittet.


Die Apostel hätten Jesus alles fragen können, aber sie fragten ihn: „Meister lehre uns beten.“ Jesus ist das Vorbild des Gebets, und die Apostel demonstrierten die Kraft des Gebets. Erweitern Sie Ihr Gebetsleben, indem Sie die Apostolischen Gebete beten.

Other Materials

22 Questions - John Wesley

These are 22 questions John Wesley wanted all of his disciples ask themselves every day. Make these timeless questions part of your devotional life as well.

Positive Commands For One Another

Positive Commands For One Another – This is a list of scriptures focused on how we as Christian should treat each other. As you meditate on each scripture, the Word of God will change you.

Overcoming Panic Attacks & A Spirit of Fear

“Often, the spirit of fear attaches to our minds through wounds that we experience. Not knowing how to follow Jesus into freedom by applying His Word, we make poor choices in our attempts to survive the trauma…”

Praying for the Lost and Backslidden

This guide offers scriptural direction on how to effectively pray for those who are lost or backslidden. You can apply this to your daily prayer life for family, friends, neighbors or coworkers.

Salvation Scripture Card

Always be prepared to share the gospel as you memorize these important scriptures for salvation.

Small Groups Handout

This is a small, helpful guide for being a part of a small group. “A great cell meeting starts with individuals who keep a consistent daily devotional life. They are regularly spending time with the Lord on their own; reading the Bible, praying, waiting on Him.”

spiritual Warfare

This is a biblical guide based on the Word of God on how to effectively deal with spiritual warfare.

The Power of Praying in Tongues

Many people have questions about speaking in praying in tongues. This guide will lead you through the scriptural foundation of speaking in tongues.

The Price of God's Miracle Working Power - Summary

This summary is taken from the words spoken directly to A.A. Allen from the Lord telling him what is required of him if he was to walk in the power of God like Jesus and the apostles did.

Contact us for any needs or questions.