
Where Can I Serve?

The Lord Jesus made it clear in the Scriptures that the greatest in His kingdom is the Servant, and Jesus was the Servant of all! Below is a list of several ways that you can come serve throughout the week, both inside and outside of the church.

Emergency Grocery Distribution

Each month at Shekinah Worship Center, we are privileged to provide emergency groceries for hundreds of families throughout the Antelope Valley. The food Outreach is held on the 4th Saturday of each month, except in cases in which there is a major Holiday or a special event. In such a case we will post the change of date on our Schedule Page. To Volunteer, come to the church at 9:00AM on that Saturday.

Grace Resource Center

The first Wednesday of each month, a team from Shekinah Worship Center prepares and serves a hot meal at Grace Resource Center to those in need of food. We meet at Grace Resource Center at 5 p.m.

For information on bringing a dish, please contact the church office and ask for more details.

Children’s Church

Our children are important to us! We know that we are raising up the next generation of men and women of God that will be released into the world to demonstrate the person of the Lord Jesus. If you are a faithful member of Shekinah Worship Center and would like to volunteer in our children’s ministry, please contact Shekinah Worship Center’s office.

Camera Crew

One of our purposes is to feed the Body of Christ the Word of God. Each week we broadcast to television stations and social media. Thousands of people see these messages. If you are interested in volunteering as a camera operator and you are a faithful member of Shekinah Worship Center, we would like to hear from you. Contact the office for more information.

Cleaning Crew

We are always in need of more hands to help clean and maintain the church building. If you are interested in serving in this way, please contact the church office.

Ushers and Greeters

Ushers and greeters are very important roles in each service. These roles provide volunteers with the opportunity to love others through serving them in the service. Qualified volunteers are faithful members of Shekinah Worship Center and have demonstrated qualities that are necessary for these roles. If you have any questions about becoming an usher or greeter, please contact the church office.

Interested in Serving?

Feel free to contact the office.